The Worst President in the History of the United States
Is it just a coincidence that when you type, "worst president in history of United States" on Google, you get a biography of George W. Bush? Go ahead. Try it. "A recent informal, unscientific survey of historians conducted at my suggestion by George Mason University’s History News Network found that eight in ten historians responding rate current presidency an overall failure. Of 415 historians who expressed a view of President Bush’s administration to this point as a success or failure, 338 classified it as a failure and 77 as a success. (Moreover, it seems likely that at least eight of those who said it is a success were being sarcastic, since seven said Bush’s presidency is only the best since Clinton’s and one named Millard Fillmore)" (McElvaine).
George W. Bush is a complete moron. Not only is he a moron, but he is the commander in chief of our nation. I have many reasons for believing George Bush is the worst president in the history of the United States, but, for the sake of keeping this short and simple, I will reduce it to three core reasons.
Only a moron would wage war on something as intangible as "terror." Our environment is in bad shape, and he is not only not helping but he is actually exacerbating the state of it! Last but not least, he is just a simpleton in his values, intelligence, wisdom, merits, and travels. All of these reasons lead me to believe that George Bush is indeed the worst president in the history of the United States.
The fact that this man started a war on something so intangible as "terror," is just laughable. It’s like starting a war against "bad stuff" or "iniquity." How retarded is that? One would think that in this day and age we would have the sense to elect a man of thinking and valor. But no, of course not. We have to find the biggest redneck in Texas and hand him our nation to fool around with. Anyway, I’m not sure how one would win a war against "terror." It’s just a fact of life that where there is power there is terror. We have been in Iraq for close to three years now, and there has been no progress. How ironic is it to invade a country to free it? How does that make any sense? You’re right. It simply doesn’t. Iraq is not a country that will ever have a society that resembles ours. They are a nation where religion plays a big role in the fundamentals of the social structure, and we will never have any power to change their culture. Hey, maybe we should just wage war on "non-christianess." At least this way we would know who to fight and where to begin. This man had no plan when he decided to invade Iraq nor did he have an exit strategy. It’s as if he said, "send the marines and army over there and we’ll see what happens, fuck it." There is no plan, there was no plan, and there never will be a plan of action. This is so because it is impossible to plan a course of action when starting a war on an intangible enemy. But, the whole point of going to war wasn’t really to end “terror” now was it? A much more obvious objective makes better sense.
Our environment is declining and our climate is finally starting to show us what will happen if we do not act accordingly. We have already experienced the worst hurricane season on record. We have seen the planet getting warmer and warmer over the years. I have lived in El Centro since I was three, and this winter is by far the warmest one I’ve ever experienced. There was a time in the 60's when it actually snowed here. Yes, you read that right, snow. This winter I barely find a need for a sweater when I leave my house at night. It used to be you had to bundle up at night when you slept. This winter I barely even use any blankets. The ozone layer has been obliterated for some time now. We don’t take care of our forests or the animals. Now you must understand, when I say "we" I don’t mean you and me. I am talking about the nation and more specifically the people in charge for such things. "Not coincidentally, one of the first things that Bush did when he came into office was to order the Justice Department and EPA to drop a series of 75 lawsuits against the nation’s worst-polluting coal burning power plants. These large companies were allowed to continue poisoning our children with impunity. Why? During the 2000 campaign they had contributed $48 million to Bush’s presidential bid and have given $58 million since. They provide campaign contributions, and Bush allows them to pollute" (Sanders). How sad is it that the United States is a caveman when it comes to protecting the environment? We used to be the best and most advanced when it came to environmental research and care. This man has ruined our country. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math. Our climate is getting warmer. Greenhouse gases make the Earth warmer. Therefore, we need to reduce our output of greenhouse gases. It’s not too hard to figure that out. I reiterate George Bush is the worst president in history of the United States.
Did you happen to catch the presidential debates? If so, you would have seen a calm, collected, pensive man argue with a slow, stuttering, illogical creature. I, for one, wish that the leader of our country would at least be somewhat articulate. Imagine, a man who can speak his mind and do it well! George Bush was a "C student" all throughout his life, and that is a documented fact. Shouldn’t the leader of a nation be an overachiever? If I could do anything about it, I would want my president to be a well-traveled man. Instead, we have this ethnocentric moron who presumes to argue that our freedom is "better" than any other country’s. This man speaks from his ass not from experience. I mean, can we at least get him someone to type up what he says from now on? This man is not only the worst president in the history of the United States, but also the dumbest.
Or, are we the dumb ones? Yes, this country is definitely stupid. We are the ones to blame. We as a public allow his blatant corruption to go on unquestioned. Maybe he is the mastermind knowing that a nation will give their loyal faith in him, and therefore he would be able to slap them in their face and take their money. Maybe we are the ones to blame for allowing him to start a war against a country, knowing that his vice president will make money when rebuilding the country. Ask some veterans, if you are lucky enough to know any that escaped with their lives, about any escorting missions or pipe missions. I have had the privilege to have conversations with some soldiers who were blatantly told they were going to drill and pump oil all day long. Maybe we are the worst generation of human beings in the history of the world. We are definitely the fattest in our nation’s history. Is it such a stretch to consider that our critical thinking, values, and morals have also taken a turn for the worst? I do not have the answer to all of these questions. I have to stand by my gut feeling and say that I believe George Bush is the worst president in history of the United States. I suppose I could be wrong, but I’ll let you make that decision.
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